Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We went and talked to the lady that owns the house we want. She doesn't sound very interested in the whole idea. I think she's interested in her head at the idea of not having it to worry about, but in her heart she doesn't want to move. Plus before we could buy it all her projects would need to be finished and I think the task is too daunting for her to imagine it ever completed.

So, on to plan B.

Jason and I will be looking for a different house to buy. It would be so nice to have a bigger place this winter. Winters in this tiny apartment are rough. When we have a disagreement or discussion or just need to be alone, we can't do that. There are no interior walls in our home.

We went to the bank and were pre-approved for a loan. I didn't think we'd get approved. I was certain that we'd have to clean up our credit some. I am hoping that sometime this summer we will be in a new place!!

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