Friday, February 11, 2011

Another Knitting Day

I am a lucky knitter.

Hallmark Inspiration
My hubby and Stomper are going to Men's Breakfast at Bean's Corner Baptist Church in the morning, so I get the house to myself.

My goal is to start and get close to finishing a hat for my future BIL. I need to clear my knitting plate. I have a huge project for March to start and a new pattern rolling around in my head to test out as well.

In order to have time to get to this new pattern project I need to knit a hat, some fingerless mitts, at least one prototype for some cider cozy's, and a modified Prop Package. All (optimistically) before April. I hope to get at least half the Prop Package done before April (two diaper covers).

dangercraft Inspiration

My inspiration for my new pattern is this little guy from Hallmark and these monsters from dangercrafts. I thought it would be neat to give my Sunday School Class kids something silly for Easter. I could put a trinket inside the toy and they could use the toy to hide treasures. I am very excited to get started on this, I have been wanting to write another pattern and this seems like a good place to start (Plus, also I'm sick of knitting hats!).

Speaking of hats, I successfully finished the pattern for the hat and sent them out to my test knitters. However, I am still looking for a couple more testers if you are interested. Check out my post here for more information, there is a contest and the winner will be announced at the end of April!

I finished the firefly inspired hat in one day. The recipient  is eagerly awaiting his hat. I don't have pictures of it because my camera is still at my Mom's. I asked him to take a picture of it though and as soon as he sends it to me I'll post it.

Have a happy knitful weekend!

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