Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not What We Were Expecting

ex·pect  (k-spkt)
    v. ex·pect·edex·pect·ingex·pects
a. To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of: expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Sunday.
b. To consider likely or certain: expect to see them soon

We are firm believers that God will supply all our needs. This winter we realized that the family on a whole needed a break from daycare. We all needed a chance  to recharge and reconnect with each other. Financially it seemed impossible. Taking six weeks off from daycare meant six weeks of no income from that source. Dad and Jason would work their jobs, of course, but the income from the daycare pays for a lot of necessities.

On faith Mom agreed to shut the daycare down for the summer. We know that God supplies our needs, but still it is hard to trust.

We are a family if six carnivores. Granted we eat other things, but we love our meat. When I plan the weeks menu I first think about the meat and then what to eat with it. In case you haven't notice from your most recent trip to the grocery store, meat is expensive, especially the red kind. We buy all our ground beef from BJ's Food Club, we know it's not the best meat, but for the money it keeps us well fed. I figure that we eat about twenty pounds of ground beef every three weeks. Some of the meat is eaten by daycare kiddos, but most is by us.

Our big meat expenditure is one of the reasons that we are growing our own food; including our meat. Our broilers will be ready soon for eating, but that doesn't cover the burger we eat. Trusting God is hard, but we trusted that He knows we love burgers on the grill, meatloaf, and tacos so he would provide.

Do you remember the deer? The day after we processed the deer (Wednesday) Jason called the dispatch center for the sheriff department and told them he'd like to be on the roadkill list. The next day he got a call. "Hey Jason, do you want a moose?"

Yes! A moose! A seven hundred pound cow had been hit and her spine broken. Jason and a buddy went to the scene and collected the moose.

The freezer is full! Not only with ground moose, but steaks too. God has fully supplied our red meat for the next six months! We are so grateful for God's provision. We've been passing out moose meat like candy at a parade, and still our freezer overflows!

I saw recently on either facebook or pinterest a little saying: "God promised to supply all our needs, but it may not look like we were expecting."

Thank you God for being greater than my expectations!

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