Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day

Betcha can't guess what it did over Labor Day week-end .. Rained. It seems like this year we were destined to begin and end our summer with rain.

Thankfully we are a hearty bunch and we didn't let something like rain stop us from having fun.

On Saturday the boys and I went upta camp to do a little 4-wheeling and play some card games. The men went out on the wheelers when there appeared to be a break in the clouds (they still got soaked). Stomper played with Aunty and Grammie Kay with umbrellas in the rain.Then he got a little braver and drove his trucks out in the rain.

When Jason came back from his trip we (Jason, Stomper, and I) went on a short ride on the 4-Wheeler down the road. After we had gone a little ways we turned around and there was this little ball of fluff coming towards us a full speed. It was Vinnie!

After a good laugh we picked him up and gave him a ride too, he had earned it. I felt a little foolish sitting ont he back of the wheeler a little boy in front of me and a ball of fluff in my arms.

Monday we had planned to go to the state park, all nine of us "Hambergs". We reasoned that we could hang out in the pavillion and if the rain let up a bit the kids could go swim and play in the sand. However, the tropical downpours kept us at home. We had a contingency plan. Grandfather and Grandma made airplanes with Stomper and Elle. When the rain let up for a little bit we let the kids run around outside in the rain. They "flew" their airplanes down the slide and enjoyed getting wet. We even tried to take out the slip n' slide, but it didn't work too well in the rain.

We all played Ticket to Ride later in the afternoon. We made up a way to play with teams so that more than six people can play. It was chaos, but it was fun!

How did your Labor Day go?

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