Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog Roll Review

I often wonder, when I visit another person's blog, why they follow the blogs that they follow. Many bloggers have long lists of blogs they read, but I'm curious: Why? Why those ones? Are they friends? Did they stumble upon them one day, added them to their list, and then gave them no further thought?

I decided that I will give a review of each of the blogs I faithfully follow. The few blogs that I am anxious to see new posts from and wait impatiently for them to write more! I will be telling you, my reader, how I found them, why I follow them, if I know them personally, and why I think you should read them.

There are seven blogs total that I would call my favorites. There are dozens that I follow, but these special seven are on my must read list. I could do one a day, but I think that is too quick. I will write one a week for the next seven weeks starting Monday, June 6th. The first one is Inspired written by Melissa.

Check back next Monday to read the review!

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