For the next few Mondays I am reviewing a few
of my most favorite blogs.
These blogs inspire, encourage, entertain,
and hold me in their thrall.
I recommend you brew some coffee or tea,
or get a tall glass of water
because once to start reading, you won't want to stop.
I love what she has to say about herself on her About Me Page: "Her whole goal during this crazy life is to meet some wonderful yarnaholics and shutterbugs, learn a trick or two along the way and perhaps share some of her creations or limited knowledge with the rest of the world."*
I first ran across Amy during Blog Week 2011. I was Googling the tag for Day 1 and this is the blog post that caught my eye. The title reached out and grabbed me and then the first few sentences had me hooked because I could have said them about myself, "I am a tactile knitter. I must feel the yarn before I can commit to using it. It doesn't matter how beautiful the colorway or perfectly it might work, if it doesn't feel good then I won't use it." * I had to read more!
Amy is both entertaining and encouraging. She makes me laugh and assures me I'm not alone. Quite often she will say what I'm thinking or have thought before. I like that she shares daily, because I know at least once a day I can read something from one of my favorite blogs (it's depressing to log on and find out no one has written anything!) Sometimes she writes just a paragraph, sometimes several, and sometimes with a theme or direction like: Learn Your Knitting ABC's, Tuesday Tunes, and Sunday Snaps. I love learning about her daughters through some of their ups and downs. She honest in her writing and always remains hopeful even when things look a little dreary.
I keep reading because she is funny, witty, sassy, and feels like a long time friend. You should read because it is good to sit and relax with a friend every once and awhile.
*quotes and photos used by permission
I completely agree! Amy's blog feels like, well, home.