Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On Photography

Many years ago, during the dawn of man, ok, digital photography, it wasn't all that great. My parents bought me my first ever SLR camera (not digital) with not one, but two lenses. I was in photography heaven. I read and studied and learned all I could on my own about taking photos. I understood the rudimentary parts of aperture and shutter speed, but not enough to do anything with all those bells and whistles on my camera. I did enjoy using my lenses and took a lot of great photos with them.

When Jason and I were getting married we decided that we'd use our bridal shower money to purchase a decent camera to capture our soon to be wedded bliss. Jason wanted to get one with lenses and lot of bells and whistles but that one cost more money. I wanted a simple, small point and shoot, we settled on something in-between.

Our camera does posses bells and whistles. The ones I usually use are: macro, sport, fireworks, and of course auto. I have always wanted to know what the other settings did, but it is hard sometimes to understand those manuals.

The other day I saw an add on Facebook: Free Photography Class! So I jumped at the opportunity. Yesterday was our first class, I have now learned what some of those settings are and how to use them! I also discovered my new favorite setting: Super Macro.

This is our teacher. She is riding her childs bike so that we can practice panning.

Figured out what the ISO button does. The first picture is with the ISO set high, 
the second is set much lower. ..one is more grainier/noisier than the other.

 And now, my favorite setting: Super Macro!

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