Thursday, March 28, 2013

DIY Felt Notebook and Crayon Roll

I wanted to give my son a new toy for Christmas Morning to play with at church. It needed to be quiet and hold his attention for more than two seconds. I know he enjoys it when I make him coloring books from images I find on-line so I thought I should buy him a little notebook. Of course, when you have a notebook you need crayons, and if you give a Stomper crayons he will need some place to put them away. If you give a Stomper a container of crayons he will dump them out and step on them or be forever asking you to open and close the container.

Oak Leaf and K for sister Kat

 What to do?

During this time I was looking through DIY projects on pintrest for ideas I ran across a pencil roll that you make and design yourself. Spurned on by a false sense of confidence I started a Cloth Notebook w/Pencil Roll for Stomper and a plain pencil roll for my sister. For my sisters I followed the plans from Soule Mama's book The Creative Family. I finished my sisters up lickety-split with time to spare but my sons languished in the basket. Two days before Christmas it became abundantly clear to me that I would never be finished in time. Naturally things would have gone a lot quicker if I knew how to use a sewing machine, yes, I don't sew, not yet anyway (we'll save that discussion for another post).
Kat's Pencil Roll
February rolled around and still the Notebook waited. I decided that I would finish it for Easter. I found a cute owl template and cut out a little owl for the front and attached it. I finished all the little details and realzied that it was too thick for my needle to poke through with comfort. If only I could sew! Thankfully I live with my Mom and she has graciously agreed to sew the two pieces of felt together in time for Easter.
An Owl for Stomper

I have put together a DIY pdf if you are interested in making one for any little ones in your life. All the measurements are adjustable and if you know how to sew it will go a lot quicker for you.

Make sure you tell me how it work for you!

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