Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Year of Projects: Reboot

Over the past few months I have been thinking a lot about my list. It has been about six months since I wrote that list and Christmas has come and gone. Of course Christmas would not be complete with out half finished projects, and in this its case two socks with out a mate. Thankfully they are  my husband and he understands why he must wait.

I started a pair of socks this summer and thought I was going to give it to my FIL but I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't fully appreciate it and decided to give it to the hubs instead. The second pair of socks I started I was always planning on giving to the hubs, just ran out of time when I took on the project of knitting a Christmas Stocking on commission. I finished everything I needed for my son's Advent Calendar which included an angel, bell, sweater, and i-cord garland. I was able to knit plenty of girlie things thus filling the girlie knitting need I was having. I made a little dress, hat and cardigan for a bunny; a hat and a pair of mittens for a first grader; and sweater and hat for a 6 month old. I still want to knit something from the Expectant Knitter and I may do that for my cousin who is due this spring. Other than the socks I mentioned earlier I have another UFO, a pair of mittens for my Photography Teacher this fall. I have one done, I just need its mate

New on the list is a Valentines gift for a friend, Easter presents, hoods for my Mom and sister, and a hat for me. What is not on the list is the Milo Vest, something from the Expectant Knitter, a second Hunters Hat (it was for me and I don't need it right now), and some Advent ornaments (which I don't need).

I do not have any knitting photos at this time, just this one of the cutest boy on the planet wearing mittens his Great Grammie crochet for his uncle twenty years ago.

Updated List:


Joni's Photo Gloves
Striped Sock
Green Sock

Due Valentines:
A Kitty for a friend maybe Susan's or maybe Linda's not sure yet.

Due Easter:
Pembroke Vest for Stomper
Little Lamb from Spud and Chloe at the Farm for my Sunday School Class kids (Stomper plus one other)

Promised Projects:
A hood for Mom
A hood for Little Sister, but with a symbol on the back
Christmas Stocking for myself maybe from an actual sock pattern
A hat for myself

For Stomper:


  1. Very cute picture, and seems like a good list! Maybe your husband could wear the single socks as a mismatched pair? And Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like you've got some very fun projects ahead; can't wait to see them. Emma's right - mismatched socks are definitely the thing!


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